Wednesday 22 June 2011

The Bipolar Souls

After an inspiring and emotional day at the Manic Depressive Fellowship conference, hearing, seeing and meeting such wonderful people with Bipolar ( I had not met anyone with the condition since my diagnosis in 2006 & only joined Manic Depressive Fellowship in April) I was deeply touched. On the way home to Manchester on the train something from within inspired me to write my thoughts of the day and the future of Bipolar for each and every single one of us. I have entitled it: The Bipolar Souls 

Something strange and beautiful is happening. A veil is being lifted. The veneer of this condition I once ridiclued as a disease is no more. It is a blessing in the most bejewelled of disguises. What I viewed as my complete failure at attempting to fulfil a successful life has now been set right. Justice has been restored. Meeting such gifted, warm and tender people has hit a very fine nerve ending that goes from the human mind to the human heart. Not just any human heart but ones of a special kind. You could use the term bipolar souls. Such divine and intricate people, so elegantly poised who possess something unique & refined. They have the most eloquent of qualities and on their faces remains etched a story each personal to their own hearts and minds.

When they utter their subsequent plight as to what led them to such a dark place you only have to see with your heart because your heart is the eyes to the soul. Their soul. Our soul. The bipolar soul. What led me to solitude and seldom peace, what black disease marred my soul is now a thing of the past. For now I see beyond the dark days. The dog days are now over...I..I hope yet I learnt today that there is no magical pill so for now restoring my mind to its previous state of stability is a thought left pondering without.

Today of all the day I craved for, for the past 5 years became real. Understanding, knowledge and wisdom can only be attained when the time is right. Think of it like a Rite of the bipolar passage. Living and loving a 'normal' life of 17 years and having that snatched away from you and never being restored ever again was a bleak propsition and a reality I have lived but the light of joy and prospertity which grows into maturity and accpetance of the condition with a deeper understanding, one that I never had with full insight has finally shone through even though I wrote about it in a previous post.

Because this is my first taste of finally accepting I have Bipolar through learning I am no longer on my own, it gives me great hope and peace of mind. Something I never thought I'd ever attain. Nevertheless I find now that I must try to come out of my rut of self pity and neglect, the great depression and untimly highs and try my hand at implementing self management and mindfulness techniques to take away some of the burden this condition brings. There's a long road ahead and I hope we can all travel and join hands together as we cross this bridge.  

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