About Me In Detail

My name is Omar. I'm currently taking a gap year from University as I hated  the course I was on. Well I've been saying that for nearly two years. I am the most laziest guy you will ever meet. Perhaps its because I suffer from Bipolar. I have good days and Bad days. Happy days & sad days. I have a passion for all things literary & I find writing my thoughts down a real help and therapy. Most of the time one thought or feeling leads to a colossal vitality and I just cannot stop writing. Maybe that's the upside to my Bipolar. Everything is controlled and not a ramble. My thoughts and everything you shall read on here has a purpose. Some were written many months ago for people dear to me. Some are ongoing. Basically I felt now was the time for me be release them upon the world through the help of a fellow blogger that has become very dear to me in a such a short space of time. My creative passion can also be seen through my Youtube channel:

